Recherche - IRSN - Institut de radioprotection et de sûreté nucléaire Accéder directement au contenu

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4 résultats

Les accidents de fusion du cœur des réacteurs nucléaires de puissance

Ahmed Bentaïb , Hervé Bonneville , Gerard Cenerino , Bernard Clément , François Corenwinder , et al.
IRSN. EDP sciences, pp.1-444, 2013, Collection sciences et techniques, Odile Lefèvre, 978-2-7598-0972-1
Ouvrages irsn-04256450v1
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Operation Extension of 900MWe NPPs: French TSO Main Conclusions regarding Long Term Sump Performance after a Loss of Coolant Accident

Jean-François Trigeol , Pariaud Emilie , Dixneuf Estelle , Georges Repetto
RCCS - 2021 - Specialist Workshop on Reactor core and containment cooling systems – long term management and reliability, OECD/NEA, Oct 2021, Virtual (on line), Slovakia. 5 p
Communication dans un congrès irsn-04113763v1
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Viktoria experiments investigating the filtering system in the sump of a pwr after a loss of coolant accident : Part I Physical /chemical effects on strainer head loss evolution

Georges Repetto , Benoit Migot , Jean-François Trigeol , Vojtech Soltesz
NURETH 2019 - 18th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics, Aug 2019, PORTLAND, United States. pp.407-420
Communication dans un congrès irsn-04111911v1
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A Geometric Perspective on ML Safety Assurance

Emmanuel Ledinot , Gassino Jean , Ricque Bertrand , Mekki-Mokhtar Amina , Serratrice Franck , et al.
Pré-publication, Document de travail hal-04082469v1